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张星 博士 教授

来源:太阳成集团tyc138     发布时间:2021-02-01    作者:太阳成集团tyc138    点击次数:






兼任武汉系统工程学会理事、湖北省统计学会理事、中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会计算机模拟分会理事。担任《Information & Management》《Internet Research》《Information Technology & People》《Management Decision》《Electronic Commerce Research》《Knowledge Management Research & Practice》《Library Hi Tech》《Behavior and IT》《Journal of Global Information Management》《管理评论》《图书情报工作》等多个期刊的审稿专家和亚太信息系统会议(PACIS)编辑。担任国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家。




承担了太阳成集团tyc138研究生《研究生论文写作指导》《管理统计方法与应用》,本科生《信息系统分析与设计》《数据库系统概论》《网络营销》《电子政务》《电子商务安全管理》,国际学院《Accounting Information System》等课程的教学任务。国家级精品资源共享课《物流管理信息系统》重要参与人(排序第2)。主编财政部规划教材1本。


以第一作者或通讯作者在《Information & Management》《Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology》《Information Processing & Management》《Computers in Human Behavior》《Journal of Knowledge Management》《Internet Research》《Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services》《Journal of Medical Internet Research》《Telematics & Informatics》《Management Decision》《Journal of Organizational and End User Computing》《Online Information Review》《Frontiers in Public Health》《Journal of Internet Technology》等10余种SSCI期刊和《南开管理评论》《管理科学》《中国管理科学》《科研管理》《情报学报》《管理学报》《科学学与科学技术管理》等基金委重要期刊和CSSCI期刊发表论文40余篇,其中2篇为ESI高被引研究前沿(Research Front)论文;出版专著1本。








[1] Zhang, X., Wang, D., Tang, Y., & Xiao, Q*. How question type influences knowledge withholding in social Q&A community. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. (SCI/SSCI Q2, IF=3.5, FMS A级, forthcoming)

[2] Zhang, X., & Liu, S*. (2022). Understanding relationship commitment and continuous knowledge sharing in online health communities: A social exchange perspective. Journal of Knowledge Management, 26 (3):592-614. (SSCI Q1, IF=7.0, FMS B级)

[3] Xiao, Q., Siponen, M., Zhang, X.*, Lu, F., Chen, S. H., & Mao, M. (2022). Impact of platform design on consumer commitment and online review intention: Does use context matter in dual-platform e-commerce? Internet Research, 32(5):1496-1531. (SCI/SSCI Q1, IF=5.9, FMS B级)

[4] Wu, Y., Zhang, X.*, & Xiao, Q. (2022). Appeal to the head and heart: The persuasive effects of medical crowdfunding charitable appeals on willingness to donate. Information Processing & Management, 59(1), 102792. (SCI/SSCI Q1, IF=8.6, FMS B级)

[5] Xiao, Q., Wan, S., Zhang, X.*, Siponen, M., Qu, L., & Li, X. (2022). How consumers’ perceptions differ towards the design features of mobile live streaming shopping platform: A mixed-method investigation of respondents from Taobao Live. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 69: 103098 (SSCI Q1, IF=10.4, FMS C级)

[6] Xiao, Q., Li, S., Zhang, X.*, Zhang, F., Yue, Q., & Wan, S. (2022). Deconstructing online hospitality review systems: User's quality experience toward design features. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 34(2):1-17. (SCI/SSCI Q1, IF=6.5, FMS D级)

[7] Zhang X., Hu W., Xiao Q*. (2021). Influences of medical crowdfunding website design features on trust and intention to donate: Controlled laboratory experiment. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(5), e25554. (SCI Q1, IF=7.4)

[8] Xiao, Q., Huang, W., Zhang, X.*, Wan, S., & Li, X. (2021). Internet Rumors During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Dynamics of Topics and Public Psychologies. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 788848. (SSCI/SCI Q1, IF=5.2)

[9] Xiao, Q., Li, S., Zhang, X.*, & Zhong, M. (2021). Understanding consumer’s satisfaction to online hotel review systems: quality perception and usability. Journal of Internet Technology, 22(6), 1299-1311. (SCI Q4, IF=1.6)

[10] Liu, S., Xiao, W., Fang, C., Zhang, X.*, & Lin, J. (2020). Social support, belongingness, and value co-creation behaviors in online health communities. Telematics and Informatics, 50, 101398. (SSCI Q1, IF=8.5)

[11] Zhang, X., Liu, S.*, Wang, L., Zhang, Y., & Wang, J. (2020). Mobile health service adoption in China: integration of theory of planned behavior, protection motivation theory and personal health differences. Online Information Review, 44(1), 1-23. (SSCI/SCI Q2, FMS C级, IF=3.1)

[12] Zhang, X., Wu, Y., Liu, S*. (2019) Exploring short-form video application addiction: Socio-technical and attachment perspectives. Telematics and Informatics, 42: 101243,1-15. (SSCI Q1, IF=8.5)

[13] Zhang, X., Liu, S.*, Chen, X., Wang, L., Gao, B., & Zhu, Q. (2018). Health information privacy concerns, antecedents, and information disclosure intention in online health communities. Information & Management, 55(4), 482-493. (SSCI/SCI Q1, IF=9.9, FMS B级, ESI高被引论文)

[14] Zhang, X., Liu, S.*, Deng, Z., & Chen, X. (2017). Knowledge sharing motivations in online health communities: A comparative study of health professionals and normal users. Computers in Human Behavior, 75, 797-810. (SSCI Q1, IF=9.9, FMS B级, ESI高被引论文)

[15] Zhang, X., Liu, S.*, Chen, X., & Gong, Y. (2017). Social capital, motivations, and knowledge sharing intention in health Q&A communities. Management Decision, 55(7), 1536-1557. (SSCI Q3, IF=4.6, FMS C级)

[16] 张星, 唐宇钥, 王圆圆, 肖泉*. 发乎奇,止乎忧:“标题党”对社会化媒体用户点击和分享的双刃剑效应研究. 南开管理评论.(基金委管理学部重要期刊, FMS T1级, forthcoming)

[17] 肖泉, 万杉杉, 张星*, 蔡淑琴. IT能供性视角下移动直播电商平台用户质量感知与满意研究. 中国管理科学. (基金委管理学部重要期刊, FMS T1级, forthcoming)

[18] 张星,王楠,肖泉*.医疗众筹项目的社会规范对个体信息回避意愿的影响研究.情报资料工作,2023,44(03):61-70. (CSSCI, 人大复印资料全文转载)

[19] 张星,唐宇钥,肖泉*.在线医疗问诊中医生的语言风格对个体健康焦虑的影响.情报资料工作,2022,43(06):68-78. (CSSCI, 人大复印资料全文转载)

[20] 张星,赵越,肖泉*.医疗众筹项目信息对捐赠效果的影响研究.管理学报,2022,19(01):85-92+101.(基金委管理学部重要期刊, FMS T2级)

[21] 张星,陈梓榆,肖泉*.医疗众筹慈善诉求的信息表达对个体捐赠的影响.管理科学,2021,34(05):65-78.(基金委管理学部重要期刊, FMS T1级)

[22] 张星,吴忧*,夏火松. 在线健康谣言的传播意愿研究——谣言来源、类型和传播对象的作用. 南开管理评论,2020,23(1):200-212. (基金委管理学部重要期刊, FMS T1级)

[23] 张星*,吴忧,刘汕.移动短视频用户浏览和创造行为的影响因素分析.图书情报工作,2019,63(06):103-115. (CSSCI, FMS T2级)

[24] 张星*,陈星,夏火松等.在线健康社区中用户忠诚度的影响因素研究:从信息系统成功与社会支持的角度.情报科学,2016,34(03):133-138+160. (CSSCI)

[25] 张星*,陈星,侯德林.在线健康信息披露意愿的影响因素研究:一个集成计划行为理论与隐私计算的模型].情报资料工作,2016(01):48-53. (CSSCI, 人大复印资料全文转载)

[26] 张星*,夏火松,陈星等.在线健康社区中信息可信性的影响因素研究.图书情报工作,2015,59(22):88-96+104. (CSSCI, FMS T2级)

  [27] 张星*,魏淑芬,王莉,夏火松.危机事件中的微博意见领袖影响因素实证研究.情报学报, 2015,34(1): 66-75.(基金委管理学部重要期刊, FMS T1级)

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